Portman Dental
Healthcare | United Kingdom
Owner: Core Equity, Brussels
Develop a bespoke data warehouse utilising Google BigQuery to capture data feeds from all key PMS systems and numerous external data sources
Develop a self-service PowerBI environment covering an array of metrics, visualisations and analytics and roll-out across 100+ practices
Enable almost-live data feeds through daily dashboard refreshes
Transform labour-intensive reporting processes via automation
Supported the development of a Google BigQuery data warehouse, refreshed daily from PMS branch systems, financial, HR, operational and marketing platforms
Developed a robust, cloud-based, data analytics solution in PowerBI providing daily, granular visibility on over 150 bespoke analytics and KPIs
Implemented robust data governance procedures
Provided training workshops for end-users
Enabled in-depth analysis of performance by practice, region, area, manager, treatment types across multi-year time periods
Enabled the ability to track performance of newly acquired practices
Enabled 13-week practice lookahead analyses to drive increase in practitioner utilisation
Provided insights on specific performance of in-house profitability enhancement projects

“We engaged the 1Truth team, and their data partner Caragon, to assist in the design and build of a corporate performance management solution. We are convinced that the solution they delivered will be truly transformative in providing the essential business insights Portman will need on its future growth journey.”
Julie Ross, Chief Commercial Officer, Portman Dental Group